Martial Arts International, Bellevue

Martial arts school


Sport facility

3608 Twin Creek Dr #106, 68123 Bellevue


Opening hours today for Martial Arts International

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 10:00-13:00

  • Monday: 16:30-21:00

  • Tuesday: 10:00-13:00

  • Tuesday: 16:30-21:00

  • Wednesday: 10:00-13:00

  • Wednesday: 16:30-21:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 17 May 2024.

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About Martial Arts International

Martial Arts International has been serving our Bellevue and Omaha Nebraska communities since 1988. With that many years of experience comes pride, prestige, and integrity!

Get directions: Martial Arts International


Comment on Martial Arts International

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Martial Arts International has helped our youngest with integrity and perseverance. The leadership from the leaders and instructors​ has truely been...
My son loves this place he is learning so much from being there you guys are all awsome with my son. Thank you for being so good to my son.
Our son has been with MAI for over a year. He loves it and we love it. The instructors are ALL amazing! Master Melegrito rocks. He care about his...
For the last year we have had the honor of being part of the MAI family. I have watched my children mature, grow and thrive in class, at school and in...
I've been around MAI for several years as a parent/grandfather and each year my grandson grows in abilities-- school, home, scouts wherever he goes. ...
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