Opening hours today for Paramount Theater (Oakland, California)

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 11:00-16:00

  • Friday: 11:00-18:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 23 June 2024.

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About Paramount Theater (Oakland, California)

The Paramount Theatre is a 3,040-seat Art Deco movie theater located at 2025 Broadway in downtown Oakland, California, USA. When it was built in 1931, it was the largest multi-purpose theater on the West Coast, seating 3476. Today, the Paramount is the home of the Oakland East Bay Symphony and the Oakland Ballet, it regularly plays host to R&B, jazz, blues, pop, rock, gospel, classical music, as well as ballets, plays, stand-up comedy, lecture series, special events, and screenings of classic movies from Hollywood's Golden Era. Read more

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