9Round Fitness Millbury

Gym/Physical fitness centre


110 Elm St 1, 1527 Millbury


Opening hours today for 9Round Fitness Millbury

  • opens at 08:00 today

  • You should double check these opening hours on their homepage 9ROUND.COM or on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 06:00-10:00

  • Monday: 15:30-19:30

  • Tuesday: 06:00-13:00

  • Tuesday: 15:30-19:30

  • Wednesday: 06:00-13:00

  • Wednesday: 15:30-19:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 6 June 2024.

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About 9Round Fitness Millbury

9Round is the best kickboxing fitness workout with no class times—first session is free!

Get directions: 9Round Fitness Millbury


Comment on 9Round Fitness Millbury

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Seriously, a great kick ass 30 min workout. I've sweated hard each class and the CHOW workouts are so much fun.
I love it totally
I absolutely love 9Rounds! I've always wanted to kickbox and I am so excited that I found this place! The workouts change daily so I never get bored...
I have been to gyms and classes and NOTHING compares to 9 round. I love going to my work out. I can never be late, I get a full body work out EVERY...
This place is EXCELLENT!!! Awesome & helpful staff. I highly recommend these guys!
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