Ravenna United Methodist Church, Seattle

Religious organisation



5751 33rd Ave NE, 98105 Seattle


Opening hours today for Ravenna United Methodist Church

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 08:30-12:30

  • Wednesday: 08:30-12:30

  • Thursday: 08:30-12:30

  • Friday: 08:30-12:30

  • Sunday: 08:30-12:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 30 April 2024.

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About Ravenna United Methodist Church

An open, affirming, and theologically inclusive congregation in NE Seattle. We are an intentional congregation of United Methodists in the Ravenna-Bryant neighborhood of Northeast Seattle. We have a history of reaching out to those who might have felt unwelcomed elsewhere or, who might have been unable to fully participate in the life and membership of their previous church. Read more

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