Palmetto Community Care, North Charleston

Charitable organisation

5064 Rivers Ave, 29406 North Charleston


Opening hours today for Palmetto Community Care

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 07:30-16:30

  • Tuesday: 07:30-16:30

  • Wednesday: 10:00-16:30

  • Thursday: 08:30-16:30

  • Friday: 08:30-16:30

Business information and opening hours last updated 25 April 2024.

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About Palmetto Community Care

No one living with HIV should go without the everyday medical care, support & resources they deserve In addition to providing confidential STI testing and counseling to all, PCC provides practical and emotional support to people with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends, and loved ones; educates the public about HIV and AIDS and its prevention, actively confronting discrimination when it interferes with compassionate care for clients; acts as an advocacy, resource, and referral agency for people affected by HIV and AIDS; works cooperatively with and provide assistance to the healthcare community and social service organizations; represents the needs of people affected by HIV and AIDS on a local, state, and national level; ensure their fair and equitable treatment; and secure sufficient resources. Read more

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