Hoornstra Strong/SS&C, Leesburg

Gym/Physical fitness centre


3944 NW Passage, 32303 Leesburg


Opening hours today for Hoornstra Strong/SS&C

  • opens at 12:00 today

  • You should double check these opening hours on their homepage TWITTER.COM or on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 07:00-21:00

  • Tuesday: 07:00-21:00

  • Wednesday: 07:00-21:00

  • Thursday: 07:00-21:00

  • Friday: 07:00-21:00

  • Saturday: 08:00-12:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 2 June 2024.

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About Hoornstra Strong/SS&C

A place for anyone who wants to get in shape and get healthy with motivation, tips, recipes, support, and be part of a team! Team Hoornstra Strong!

Get directions: Hoornstra Strong/SS&C


Comment on Hoornstra Strong/SS&C

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Today was my first class and I love it!!! You get a total body workout. It's a fun and friendly atmosphere.
Thank you shelly for all your help .I've lost 40 pounds and I've gone down 3 pant sizes in less than 6 months
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