Chipotle Mexican Grill, Knoxville

Mexican restaurant


204 Advantage Pl, 37922 Knoxville


Opening hours today for Chipotle Mexican Grill

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 10:45-23:00

  • Tuesday: 10:45-23:00

  • Wednesday: 10:45-23:00

  • Thursday: 10:45-23:00

  • Friday: 10:45-23:00

  • Saturday: 10:45-23:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 17 June 2024.

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About Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle Mexican Grill is a place on 204 Advantage Pl in Knoxville.

Get directions: Chipotle Mexican Grill


Comment on Chipotle Mexican Grill

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Loved this place. A friend introduced me when we were in town. Wish we had one in Johnson City.
Ate there last week & it was DELICIOUS!!! Will probably go back for the very reason that I trust there will be no GMO foods!!! Thank you for making...
When you are handing a customer a drink cup, you should not place your fingers inside said drink cup. That is nasty.
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